Monday, September 26, 2011

Parenthood, Facebook and the Scary Monster

Last Christmas, my ex-husband bought our 10 year old daughter her own laptop. She took to it easily and I was not surprised. After all, I'm a degreed techie from way back who personally trained my baby girl on a laptop at little over 9 months of age. I knew it was the wave of the future.

In my home, I monitor what websites she frequents... and it has been only recently that I allowed her internet access. I put an immediate halt on "chatting" with strangers via an online gaming site. Apparently, her friends do it all the time.

Last week for her birthday, her father bought her an iPod Touch. Again, more rules and screen time limits have to be enforced in my home.

Look, I may be a techie from way back but first and foremost, I'm a mom.

My job is to protect my children. I don’t think of technology as a big, scary monster that I don’t understand. Perhaps because I'm in a technical field, I'd like to believe I know exactly what I'm doing.

Last week, however, I got a better idea of the fight I'm up against.

It began with the recent announcements from Facebook on their new timeline profiles and media sharing. I'm all about exciting new changes and cutting edge announcements. I didn't choose a technology field because it's boring.

Many people are concerned about privacy when it comes to these new changes on Facebook. Wait. Let me rephrase that. Many OLDER people are concerned. The younger generation, of which my children will be included once I let go of my death grip, share most everything on Facebook. Nothing is private anymore.

Also last week, I attended a local social media event featuring 6 case studies of marketing agencies using Facebook, Twitter and the like to increase digital impressions and generate more revenue for each client they represented. Funny thing about technology and marketing, just when you think you might know everything, you find that someone has "out thought" you. I left feeling inspired and completely overwhelmed.

I understand that the world of technology is changing and that means the way we interact is changing. I'm fortunate enough to be in the middle of the generations. My parents don't use social media and have only recently begun texting. My children were born to text, Facebook and share every moment of their day for everyone to see. I'm a Gen-X-er, bridging the gap between both of them.

I understand it but the question remains:

How do I continue to protect my children from a big, scary monster whose hand I'm practically holding?

How do I allow them to be the up and coming generation and still provide common sense limits?

Or is there such a thing anymore?

Your thoughts?

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Reader Asks: How to Get Started with Triathlon on a Budget

I received an email from a reader who asks...

"Hey, a friend of mine just finished a triathlon yesterday. I was looking at her pix and thinking I could never afford to do a triathlon, because there's so much stuff you have to have. But maybe I'm wrong? Maybe you should write a post about triathlon gear?"

Again, let me preface by saying, "I am not a triathlon expert" but I will certainly lay out the steps I took to reach my goal of becoming a triathlete!


First investment: the Commitment

In the fall of 2007, I was dating a superstar triathlete. I actually remember saying to him, "Have fun with that!"

I went to cheer him on in an Olympic distance triathlon (nearly 1 mi swim, 24 mi bike, 6 mi run). As I stood at the finish line, I was in awe at the sizes, shapes and fitness levels of all who were competing. After the event, I said something about wanting to try a tri but couldn't see how I could afford the gear or time as a single mother. He stopped me in his tracks and said,

"If it means something to you, you'll make it happen."

That was the initiative I used to push myself. That and I told everyone I would do it so everyone else would hold me accountable too. I give others the same advice when I'm asked about it. It CAN BE DONE but it takes committing to the goal.

Now for the gear...



Once I decided I wanted to become an athlete, a friend contacted me about a long distance bike ride. I told him I would agree to it (150 miles!) if he could find me a bike.

Within minutes, I had an email from him with a Craigslist ad for a bike. Fortunately, my bike was sold to me by someone who worked at a bike shop so he knew exactly how to fit it to me. I had already done research on what measurements would fit my body. My mom actually bought it for me as a Christmas present!

Love my bike!

For more information on bike selection, see my post here: Buying a Road Bike

For shorter distance triathlons, I've seen people riding mountain bikes as well. If you're planning on longer distances or doing many triathlons in a season, it would be worth the investment to buy a newer, lighter triathlon bike.

Again for shorter distance triathlons, many people ride their bikes with regular running shoes. I chose to purchase cycling clip-in shoes since I was planning on longer bike touring. They were quite a challenge to get used to but I think they are worth the investment! I also own a few pair of cycling shorts as well. Definitely worth it to save on saddle soreness. And remember a helmet too!

The biking portion of the triathlon is probably your largest investment. 


Running shoes

Running shoes are not cheap, I'll give you that. I do recommend that you go to a running shoe store (like Run On!) and have someone observe your gait so you'll know what shoes would serve you better.

Old or ill fitting running shoes will cause all matter of issues like blisters, sore ankles, sore knees, sore joints, sore feet... you get the point. Selecting a shoe can become quite technical but it will pay off in the long run (pun intended!)

Now that you know what type and brand of shoe would work for you, go to Academy or other sports stores to see if you can find the same shoe at a lower price. I know many running friends who do this.

I personally bought my shoes at a running store but I knew they'd last me a while because I don't run long distances. 3 miles is long enough for me!

I love Nike and New Balance to help me disco through a tri!


Swim gear

For my swim suit, I bought Speedo one piece training suit at a sports store. I train only in this suit and wear a triathlon body suit for competitions.

I actually bought my triathlon competition outfit during an online sale. It is a top and bottom so sometimes I alternate cycling shorts with the triathlon top. This was a great investment for me because I wear the entire outfit during the swim, bike and run portions of the triathlon. It saves on transition time, for sure!

A new triathlete should also find some swim goggles and a swim cap for training as well. You'll use your goggles during the tri but you will be issued a swim cap for your starting wave during the event.

When I did my first triathlon, I swam in a sports bra and cycling shorts then threw on a t-shirt for the rest of the race. I've seen many women do this as well. Hey, you have to start somewhere!


There is A LOT more gear that can be acquired as a new triathlete becomes addicted to the sport. This post really covers the bare minimum and a few extras to get you started.

If I really look back at it, I actually bought all of my gear over the course of a few years so the investment wasn't all at once.

Let's add it up!

Used Bike: $500 (you could find one less expensive!)
Cycling shorts: $40 - $70
Helmet: $20 - $30
Cycling shoes (optional): $70 - $100
Running shoes: $50 - $90
Swimsuit: $40
Goggles: $10 - $20
Swim cap: $5 - $10
My minimal investment: approximately $735 +

I'm sure I've spent more in the few years I've been running, swimming and cycling because I can't resist all the great gadgets! Another great perk to participating in athletic events is that you get new gear in your race packets!

If I had a dollar for every water bottle...

Also remember that none of what I covered in this post included the cost of the event registration itself. This is yet another reason I only do a few triathlons a year. Check for events near you and for more new-to-triathlon information.

Once you make a commitment to tri, look online for great deals. Then slowly, over time, you'll have a special place in your closet for all your triathlon gear too!

Have fun!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering... and the show must go on

This song fits this day so well.

Coincidentally, this video was recorded within hours of the terrorist attack on our country on September 11, 2001. If you get a chance to watch the DVD of Sting's ...All This Time, you will see when Sting, his family and band receive the information that the World Trade Center was hit. Later, they would find out that they lost many in that tragedy. But at the time, they had an intimate concert planned for some very special fans and, as they say in show biz, the show must go on...

(Read more about the concert and film here.)

Indeed the show did go on and turned from a somber beginning to a concert filled with joy. You can see the concern and grief in the faces of the band, Sting and fans. You can feel the pain and struggle to get through the lyrics of this song, Fragile, at the beginning of the show... but by the end, you feel a sense of oneness and love.

If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one
Drying in the colour of the evening sun
Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away
But something in our minds will always stay

Perhaps this final act was meant
To clinch a lifetime's argument
That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could
For all those born beneath an angry star
Lest we forget how fragile we are

On and on the rain will fall
Like tears from a star like tears from a star
On and on the rain will say
How fragile we are how fragile we are

On this, the 10th anniversary of that day, I choose to feel the grief of remembering but also to remember that the show must go on. I choose to remember the joy of carrying on the memories and lessons learned from that day. I choose to remember to celebrate the lives of those taken so tragically that day. I choose to smile to my neighbors, give love to those in need.

I choose to remember our common thread.

I choose to remember how fragile we are.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Me... and my body

Last week, in my inbox, I received a local email deal for eye lash extensions.



Ok, I'll admit it. I've had plastic surgery. After carrying 2 large babies and losing 50 lbs, I realized I wasn't blessed with elastic skin. A tummy tuck to rid myself of lose skin was something I wanted... but still had to talk myself into. I had to keep telling myself, "I am NOT that vain."

I also had to be okay with the fact that I WAS indeed that vain. I DID want to look better. Not perfect. But better.

But eye lash extensions?

I'm left stunned with the amount of things we will spend money on to look BETTER. And yes, I said "we" because I then began to question my own eye lashes...

When will it end? Why are we so hard on ourselves? What sort of ideal are we aspiring to??

Then I saw the following video and remembered my dear friend in recovery from breast cancer and a double mastectomy.

She definitely puts things in perspective. A big wide world perspective.

If you have 13 minutes, watch this. Beautiful. Powerful. Inspiring.